Sephiroth is the true main antagonist of the seventh installment of the Final Fantasy series, "Final Fantasy VII" and it's remake, along with it's extended universe "Compilation of Final Fantasy VII". He is responsible for Cloud's girlfriend Aerith Gainsborough's permanent death, to the point where he haunted the former's dreams and troubled past. As a whole, both became arch enemies together. Sephiroth is also a temporary party member during a flashback from the original game and a former renowned SOLDIER gone twisted. Before falling from grace, Sephiroth was one of the most lauded success stories of the Shinra Electric Power Company's SOLDIER program. His successes in the field of battle during the conflicts surrounding Shinra's bid for global domination led to his status as a celebrity war hero and the poster boy for both the Shinra Military and the company's SOLDIER program. Learning of his true origins drove him insane, causing him to be driven by a desire to destroy the world.
Why He Rocks
- Sephiroth is a very sympathetic villain, who also relies on power and raw strength. According to Cloud, this is later proven true as he states that "he is far stronger in reality than in any story the player, or the party may have heard about him"
- George Newbern, Sephiroth's most famous voice actor does a amazing job at voicing him, knowing for his soft spoken and calm voice.
- His final form, Safer Sephiroth has a great design, where it also gets updated as an alt for him in Dissidia NT
- Sephiroth also has a memorable theme song, and had updated versions throughout the years, including Advent Children and Remake. There's also Birth of a God too, which is also as good.
- Sephiroth and Cloud, while they hate their guts, do have a awesome rivalry against each other.
- Sephiroth has a iconic weapon known as the Masamune
Bad Qualities
- Sephiroth may think full of himself, and he can be egotistical since he's the villain
- Killed Aerith Gainsborough, which caused the party to suffer from grief and sorrow.
- He impaled President Shinra and killed him
- His 2nd form Bizarro Sephiroth can be unpleasant for a design.
- Tyler Hoechlin, according to the fans, isn't as good as voicing Sephiroth in the remake, but at least he had his own take.