Popeye the Sailor is a cartoon character created by Elzie Crisler Segar. The character first appeared in the daily King Features comic strip Thimble Theatre on January 17, 1929, and Popeye became the strip's title in later years. Popeye has also appeared in theatrical and television animated cartoons. He was voiced by William Costello, Floyd Buckley, Jack Mercer, Mae Questel, Harry Foster Welch, Jackson Beck, Allen Swift, Maurice LaMarche, Billy West, and Tom Kenny.

Popeye the Sailor
"Well Blow Me Down!"
Gender: Male
Type: Strong Healthy-Eating Sailor
Age: 34
Species: Human
Portrayed by: William Costello (1933–1935)
Detmar Poppen (1935–1936, radio only)
Jack Mercer (1935–1945 and 1947–1984)
Harry Foster Welch (1946–1947, 1960s Peter Pan Records records)
Robin Williams (1980)
Maurice LaMarche (1987–1990)
Tom Kenny (2014 animation test, 2016–present)
Status: Alive
Media of origin: Popeye

Why He's Strong to the Finach

  1. To get the elephant out of the room, he's strong to the finach, 'cause he eats his spinach!
  2. He can take down anything that's bigger than him with one single punch, whether it be an elephant or a giant.
  3. After his debut in animation, he became one of the most recognizable characters in cartoon history.
  4. His design is very diverse, especially his arm design.
  5. His voice is very fitting for his character.
  6. He gave us several memorable quotes such as "Well blow me down!", "Oh My Garshk!" and his signature laugh.
  7. His mumbling sounds very hilarious, especially when provided by Jack Mercer.
  8. He is a good role model to kids because he helps teach kids to eat spinach.
  9. He is very loving and caring to his friends and family from the cartoons and comics, such as his girlfriend Olive Oyl, and Swee'Pea.
  10. Out of any voice actor, Jack Mercer did the best job voicing him.
    • Tom Kenny also does a good job sounding like Jack Mercer during the test footage for the cancelled Sony Pictures Animation film.
  11. Unlike other characters who were flanderized during the later Famous Studios cartoons from 1949 to 1957, Popeye still remained likable and hasn't changed a lot, even though he was a much bigger butt-monkey than he once was during that era.

Bad Qualities

  1. Popeye is usually shown smoking a pipe, this somehow caused a lot of controversies that he is now seen barely smoking in media nowadays because it might encourage kids to smoke.
  2. He became a punching bag during the late Famous Studios era.
  3. His design in the YouTube web series is horrendous and mediocre, making him look like a younger doppelganger thereof.


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