Impmon is an Evil Digimon. It has an appearance like a demon's child. It loves pranks, so it enjoys seeing the embarrassed appearances of its opponents. Also, it is said that when Impmon appears, electrical appliances temporarily go crazy, so an electronic image going out of order or ceasing to function might be because Impmon was pulling a prank. Although it is a Digimon that loves mischief and malice, it never toadies to the strong, but stands up to them with a strong attitude. However, the truth is that it has a lonely side.
Why He's a Troublemaking Digimon
- He's the funniest troublemaking character in this series.
- Tons of funny moments, including his pranks on the people.
- He's the ultimate villain in the second part of series.
- His design was extremely cool.
- Hiroki Takahashi and Derek Stephen Prince did awesome jobs voicing him.
Bad Qualities
- He can be annoying and a jerk at times.
- He will no longer forgive the two toddlers Ai and Mako.
- He was at his absolute worst in episode 34, where he violently kills Leomon and broke Jeri's heart.
- His personality has been changed from a funny prankster to a cruel villain.
- His guns were too terrifying for younger audiences.
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- Digimon characters
- Males
- 2000s characters
- Anime characters
- Heroes
- Villains
- Former villains
- TV characters
- Japanese characters
- Strong characters
- Funny characters
- Complex characters
- Badass characters
- Unintentionally sympathetic
- Characters with dark powers
- Characters with fire powers
- Controversial characters
- Wrathful characters